The Environment
By means of thorough tests carried out by our Environmental department, we put into practice our strong commitment to safeguarding both natural and environmental resources.
The acquisition of new leading technologies together with the constant training of our professionals and technicians allow us to minimize the environmental impact, reduce costs and economize resources.
It is our commitment
To comply with the applicable legislation, with those requisites agreed with our clients and with those commitments voluntarily assumed.
To introduce an Environmental Management System (Sistema de Gestion Ambiental) that encourages a continuous improvement of the environmental performance.
To prevent and minimize the risk of pollution in all the activities carried out by the company.
To operate equipment and installations making reasonable use of energy.
To evaluate environmental issues and the risks for both Safety and Health in the current works, as well as in those which will be undertaken in the future.
To set improvement objectives and measurable goals.
To follow the fulfillment of the objectives through audits and take the proper measures accordingly.
To make sure that all our employees and contractors are properly trained and competent in order to accomplish their responsibilities and obligations.
To provide the resources needed to fulfill both this policy and the set objectives.
To receive and analyze those queries any interested party may have and inform periodically on both the compliance of this policy and the environmental performance of the company.
The draining of oil-covered land and the filling of reservoirs in the following locations substantiate our vast experience in the subject
- Yacimiento Tecpetrol “El Tordillo”
- Yacimiento Panamerican Energy LLC
- Yacimiento Pérez Companc SA
- Vintage Oil Argentina INc
- Yacimiento Total Austral “El Huemul”
- UTE Cohúe Huapi – Roch
- British Gas